My out of place space

My entire blog, the title, url, and anything else, is based on one principal that I want every one to know: If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior..this isn't your home, heaven is, and it's coming soon. That is the most encouraging thing that we Christians can dwell on, it's our hope, our future..our eternal future. -(1 Peter 2:11,12)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

1/12.5th of the way there

I've been here for two weeks (at least from when i'm writing this, it might be a few days before ya'll get it, that is if people read this thing) and i've got stuff happening to blog about actually. First, there was a tornado...see picture. The thing never actually touched ground nor would it have been dangerous if it had. But this picure is what i've always dreamed a tornado would look like. Funnel cloud in the background and some cows grazing in the's great. So wizard-of-ozzy. No worries, they don't get tornadoes here, so...i'm safe.
...from tornadoes...except i'm not safe from armed bank robbers. Wait! what's he saying? is he being random again? NOpe, its true. One of the campers came here with a gun with the intention of robbing the bank here on campus and shooting a few people to get away. Not such a smart guy, if you knew the location of the school...a good mile from town...and everything else. He wouldn't have a getaway vehicle either because you have to call a cab to leave here, and then wait for about 15 minutes. Unless he had a fully automatic gun with a couple thousand rounds, he would have no chance in getting away. In case you couldn't tell by the conditional tense of my words...he didn't do it. He instead got saved and through his gun in the lake and gave a testimony of God's grace! How cool?!? That's right, pretty darn. God's arm is not too short to save anyone! Other things of notice, i live with a guy from france...he's going to be starting the first year at the same time i the way, while i was writing that, he came over here and reminded me how wierd he was. I've never met a wierder man, if i had the microphone set up, i'd record him right sounds something like pewr pwer pewr puh puh...say it loud and repetitively and i think you'll have the idea. But it's funny because he knows about the same amount of spanish as i do. But he knows zero english and i know zero french, so we talk in spanish. How wierd, i know. But it's cool. Last: I'm growing a mustache...which i'm really bad at, since all my hair grows on my butt....chin. As in my butt-chin. It was just some random thing that a couple guys decided to do, since we're allowed to have mustaches, but no other form of facial hair. I think they do this because no one really grows mustaches anymore, and that way it makes them look more liberal than they really are. But the problem is that 80% of the people growing the things shaved them off...but i'm going to endure. I have 5 more weeks to grow it, then you'll recieve a picture. Just thought you'd like to know. I'm done blahing...imean blogging. Chau