My out of place space

My entire blog, the title, url, and anything else, is based on one principal that I want every one to know: If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior..this isn't your home, heaven is, and it's coming soon. That is the most encouraging thing that we Christians can dwell on, it's our hope, our future..our eternal future. -(1 Peter 2:11,12)

Monday, May 08, 2006

cosas que pasaron

Well, as not much has been happening...i guess i'll just do the same thing that i did last time, tell you funny stuff i've seen, that's included in the culture here. WEll, i went to town the other day and saw something pretty hilarious...mixed in with all the trafic of cars, mopeds and bicycles with two people on them (not tandems...btw, just regular bicycles, with a person sitting on the handlebars) there was a man going down the road in a of those electic ones. He was obeying all the laws, which is as far as i know just includes stopping at red lights. But it was really funny to see that. I didn't have my camera with me, but it reminded me that i should be carrying my camera more. The other comical thing that happened concerns traffic laws here again. I was riding with this pastor to a church a few weeks back and he said, "hey, here's something you can't do in your country..." and he threw a glass bottle through the window...on the driver's side. I told him that we could do it if we wanted to trash our country and get a fine at the same time...he responded..."See, i told you argentina was better, you don't get in trouble for it here." *sigh* south american thinking...gotta love it. Now, if your south american...don't get mad at me...i know if hadn't made that comment you would have made it yourself. It's okay..i'm not making fun...tranquilizate. WEll, that's all i got. Sorry it's short but, it's better short that long with nothing to say. If you guys will put some good comments, maybe i'll have somethign to write about...cuz nothign happens here. Oh tests are next week...and i found a really good alfajor...Argentina's junkfood. I'll bring some back so that you can try. thanks for reading. that's it...ima go..chau.

I have another story to tell, which happened one week ago from today. Monday the 1st of MAy. I went to work in the morning, just like anyother day. And they sent us to get chemicals. Where we work they keep the cleaning chemicals diluted and in small porportions and when they run out, they tell send people to go get it for them, from this building where there in giant drums and concentrated. In that building there's one bucket and one funnel, to use for all of the chemicals. Maybe i'll go take a picture and post it later so you can understand better. But anyway, We were supposed to fill up the lavandina (some type of cloric acid) and detergente (detergent-in case you didn't know what the spanish word was ;) ) Those two chemicals mixed make a chemical reaction that disolves metal and produces toxic gas. We filled up the container of detergent first and we started to pour the clorine type stuff into the bucket (which had a little bit of detergente in it...a little more than a little, it turned out) and the reaction started. WE were like, bueno, we'll just leave until it stops. So we left for about 15 minutes and i re-entered and picked up the bucket and asked "where do we pour this stuff" -famous last words. I took in my last breath for the next 30 seconds. My throat started to burn and close up and i was putting as much effort as possible to get air but it wouldn't go in. After 30 seconds (i'm guessing around there) i could begin to take litte breaths, but it hurt. THey were so little though that i couldn't get sufficiant oxygen so i would try to take deep breaths but when i did, i would cough for another 10 seconds. And we all know that while your caughing you can't really breath. So it was little short breaths, giving me barely any oxygen or one semi-deep breath every 10 secs. The lack of oxygen made me tired and my vision darkened in various moments. This went on for about 20 minutes before we finally decided that it would be a good idea to go to the medical center. They did the usual shot in the butt and a pill and they put me on a resperator for some time. After about an hour or so there they told me i could leave when i was ready. So i left, because i had studying to do. I had respiratory problems for the rest of the day...and that's the story. Yep, i was scared. Nope, i didn't die. Yes, i'm fine now. I won't be playing with chemicals anytime soon. Thanks for reading...more. Chau.


At 12:37 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Will you please be carefull!!

Me, Andrew, and Adrian have begun to lift weights. We plan to turn my basement into a house of pain and really get ripped! By the time you get back you wil not know who we are. I think we might even run of with the WWF and become traveling preachers. Well got to go, now where did I put the bengay...........?
[ I am really getting stiff ]

Andy, the "Masked Marvel?"

At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea to bad they can't keep up with me...dude your chemical reaction reminds me of my reaction to giving blood, dont worry i tell you in your email but it was pretty fun.

At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jayson,
Glad that you are okay. I guess you know that we would have be very worried had we known about this situation when it was happening. I check your web site several times a day so I am excited when you finally have time to send something. You take care and don't be messing with chemicals, please. We love you!
Grandma and Grandfather


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