My out of place space

My entire blog, the title, url, and anything else, is based on one principal that I want every one to know: If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior..this isn't your home, heaven is, and it's coming soon. That is the most encouraging thing that we Christians can dwell on, it's our hope, our future..our eternal future. -(1 Peter 2:11,12)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

ultra vez

There for a while i was ready to pack my bags and come home. God's finally broke me and i'm appreciative of his provision for getting me here, instead of hating it. Something i guess we need to learn in everything that we don't like. God went through a lot of work to get me here. (well, it wasn't alot for Him, but He made many improvisions). I'm excited to see how/what He's going to teach me through this time. I'm getting a cell phone soon, so that means, if you want to buy a phone card and pay several dimes a minute, you can give me a call. Ofcourse, if i dont know you...then don't worry about it, but if i do, ask someone like my mom or kayla or andywhitman. If you don't know them, sorry for wasting 6 seconds while you read it. In mayordormia (that's the spanish word for my work, you know, where we clean bathrooms) I'm making something special for all of you. It should be ready in the next couple of weeks, and hilarious. I have a free day on thursday from cleaning, so i might finish it then. I have a question for you guy(and girls) back at home. What would be easier for put this "mystery project" in a powerpoint for you all to see, or make it as a video? As a powerpoint it will take up less space...but not everyone has powerpoint..i dont think. In a video, to get it to a reasonable size, i'd have to reduce the quality alot, but everyone could see it. What are the votes...powerpoint, or video? OH speaking of videos, i'm also going to make a video here and edit it and send it home. Don't be jealous brad, ben, lee, and adrian...ya'll are my number one....sss...err...number fours? I dunno! Just don't worry, you arn't being replaced. ANd of course, josh and morgan, the camera boy and computer girl. If you don't know what i'm talking about, go here: and check out persecution. While your there you should look around a bit. Especially check out the home page. Things to note: 1) I got a haircut...and it looks....shorter 2) I made a C on my first test back. 3) Don't buy argentine cabinets...they stink!
Last things..most important too: My friend met some mormans last time he went to town who are here on a two year mission trip. Apparently all mormans do this and the 2nd largest Morman temple in the world is in Buenos Aires...1.5 hours from here. They speak english, and him and another guy have a meeting tomorrow with them. Since it will have already happened by the time you read this, you can't be praying that God works in their hearts still. As you can see, there are oportunities to witness everywhere, even when you don't speak the language. Don't wait for opportunities, make them. Tell the world! Have a good day, i'm out.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

It´s getting better

Hello world, i'm writing this at 7.10, Argentime(get it?) on Saturday. I say that because i probably wont put it on the internet until a few days later. I've just got some cool/uncool things to blog about. I guess i should have just said things. ANYWAYS! A cool thing happened while i was working. My friends who work with me were dancing while we were getting supplies...that's right, dancing. And this kid, i forgot his name (b/c it's hispanic & and i'm bad enough with english ones), saw them while he was "escaping through the window." At least that's what he told us. Anyway, to make a long story shoter...not short, but shorter...he ended up talking to us and helping us clean all of the bathrooms, just because he wanted to serve. I got to ask him about his relationship with Christ, and it turns out to be really good and he tries to do everything for Him. So it really inspired me to shut up and work. He wants to study at palabra de vida when he gets older. I forgot to mention, he's 15. But yea, it was nice to have the help, and to get to meet the kid to. He worked so hard, and nothing fazed(sp?) him. He cleaned those bathrooms like there was no tomorrow. (whatever that means) Basically, he cleaned well, and thoroughly. It was also cool to be able to see how his walk with the Lord spanish. The other story is this: the day before, instead of having to clean bathrooms, we had to move chair/desk combos about a quarter mile. You know, the kind of desk-chairs they have in most schools? Yea, well, they're really awkward to carry, and there were 500 of them. And 1/4 mile is really far. They do things really inefficiantly in this country, because this would be the 3rd time i've moved those things from somewhere to somewhere else. I promise you i'm not complaining, i just thought it was hilarious how inefficiantly they do EVERYthing in this country. Also, it made me realize that there were worse things than cleaning bathrooms everyday for 6 weeks- carrying chairs, everyday for 6 weeks. I want to go back by there and get some pictures of how many chairs 500 is. We only moved half, because they ran out of time to make us work. Me encanta argentina. No, realmente, está bien, pero extraño mucho a ustedes. Last things...check out these pictures from the trip here. I thought they were pretty sweet...and i bought a memory stick so that i can do things like this, so i thought i'd use it. I'm not sure yet how i'll put them on, they might be hosted at my picture sight. I'll be sure to let you know how to see them, if i don't post them on my webpage. I think i fogot where i keep my pictures. If that's the case, you might have to wait for these pictures that i'm lying about. (remember, i have to blog a few days ahead of when you can see it. Alright, chau amigos!!!

ok, go here-
nvm, i couldn´t post them here, without it looking wierd. plus i don´t have time to try and figure it out.